bed bugs

These tiny bugs are about the size of an apple seed and just as dark. They prefer to make their nests in beds and couches and can live as long as 18 months without eating, making them extremely hard to get rid of. Bed bugs are attracted to carbon dioxide, heat, and blood – three things every human being produces, making us human beings an ideal target for these irritating pests. Some people react to bed bug bites, developing a rash or welts.
Bedbug bites are characterized by welts that are red, itchy, and prone to bleeding. The fact that adult bed bugs may go without food for many months at a time makes them particularly difficult to control. Once bed bugs are inside of a building, whether that be a house or a hotel, they move quickly from room to room, spreading via the pipes, in vacuum cleaners, on clothes, and in baggage. Bed bugs may even spread to adjacent rooms at a hotel, especially if visitors are constantly changing rooms and bringing their belongings with them.
Bedbugs are not only in beds. They may be found in the cushions of chairs and couches, as well as in the cracks and crevices of baseboards, behind picture frames, and even behind electrical outlets. To put it another way, they can survive in almost any environment.
Female bed bugs typically lay one egg per day, but at their peak, they may lay up to 5-7 eggs in a single day. An egg hatches in around 10-15 days, and a bed bug may reproduce about 6 weeks after hatching. In addition, most bed bugs survive for 4-6 months.
So, at first, they may seem to move slowly from room to room, which is why the ideal time to eradicate bed bugs is as soon as possible, particularly given that it may take up to 3-6 weeks to entirely eliminate bed bugs from your home. Bed bugs, on the other hand, reproduce rapidly over time, so if you don't have them treated, you may have a massive infestation on your hands in a matter of weeks or months.